becky has fragile contents which may break! |
It seems that I am permanently meant to have broken skin of some sort. Just as soon as I celebrate my victory over my healing finger cut and the removal of toenail debris, I spring a huge raw blister on my big toe during taekwondo today.
I was doing fine, didnt even feel nothing at first. Then I felt something sticking to my toe. Not wanting to disrupt too much of the lesson, I hastily bend down and attempt to rip off what I assumed was an offending piece of sticky litter. Pain, excruciating, ensues. But it's only later when I examine my foot do I realise that it was actually a thick piece of toe-skin and the ripping had exposed some raw fleshy bit. Owwie.
Then I did the test from timo's blog. Tests dont lie!
On the limping way back home, some guy from taekwondo class caught up with me and talked to me. I sparred with him during class today, and he kicked me a few times, I'm thinking he wanted to apologise or something. Well, I THINK it was him, cos we cant wear specs when we spar, so all I know is my opponent was a green belt. (like how unfair, I don't even know how to do a front kick properly). But he didnt get a chance to say much, because he caught me in a strangely talkative mood, and I rattled on and on during the short walk we had in common. I complained about my blister and so on.
And no, its not what you think!!! He's younger than me, and besides, if I actually ever liked someone, I would never be able to open my mouth, much less go on and on. I guess cos i'm so used to younger guys, like my brothers and church guys like gabs, that i'm really comfortable talking to them.
Sparring was fun! You learn alot from the other students, and putting into practice in a real fight those theoretical kicks is alot tougher than I imagined it to be. My performance was abysmal. Some opponents even refused to fight me until the instructor walked around. But the guy who talked to me actually gave contact, albeit quite light. Must have been painful for him more than me tho, cos he somehow always kicked my elbows. ouch. These two black belt guys in protective gear did'nt even attempt to kick me at all, and urged me to kick them harder. Timid ol' me, I did'nt give any contact at all although it was allowed, and they were wearing padding.
Turns out Willy has a black belt in taekwondo! He wanted me to work dinner today, but Jean told him I had taekwondo lessons. Absolutely incredulous, he immediately questioned me. When I had assured him he heard right, he told me that he knows taekwondo too!
Whole world knows taekwondo!
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